
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Look at me, I started a blog!

Hello and welcome to the Little kitchen on prairie!  This weekend my sister and I made a trip to the wonderful Farmers' Market in the South end of our city.  This trip inspired a weekend of cooking and baking!  I dubbed tonight's dinner the Farmers' Market dinner.  I was in the mood to bake some bread so I made a batch of my favourite honey seeded loaf and turned them into buns.  The fresh picked corn on the cob inspired a homemade corn chowder to have as our appetizer.  The 2lb bison sirloin roast earned itself a peppercorn garlic rub roasted along with new potatoes, carrots, and onions.  Of course I had to serve corn on the cob with everything.  After dinner I had a look at the bananas sitting on the counter that no one had eaten last week...these were quickly turned into blueberry banana muffins.

Once I get the hang of blogging, I will get some photos posted of tasty treats as well as some photos of some baking jobs and how they get 'set up' in such a tiny kitchen.  I am hoping for some kitchen renos in the near future.  This should prove to be an entertaining and exciting time for my little kitchen on the prairie.


  1. Hey, can you send me some of your creations?

  2. I'm not sure how much Brad will read blogs, but apparently the account is under his name... I'll be your faithful follower, Lo Mo, drooling over your yummy creations! Wait, can I put on weight just reading about food? hahaha. Welcome to the blogging world!

  3. Can I please play the role of the insane yet supportive friend in the movie? Lori and Laurie the movie.

  4. Love it! Brent wants to try your pizza pops sooooooo bad! Can he move in with you?


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