
Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Cake Walk Continues....

It is no secret that my son loves to play baseball.  He also happens to love the New York Mets.  (Maybe they will win some games this year...*is that a cricket I hear?*   Last year for my son's birthday I attempted my first ever frozen butter cream transfer.  This process involves printing out your image (backwards).  Sounds wierd, I know but this is very important, especially if your image involves words or lettering!!  I must say I do not have photos of this process but the end result was nice and my son LOVED it!

 1. Print out your image (backwards)

2. Tape image onto a board

3. tape a piece of parchment paper securely on top

4. Trace out your image with icing, paying attention to not only the colours you want but also to which details will need to be in the front of the image.  For instance, in this Mets logo, I had to make sure the white bridge was piped before all of the blue in the background.

5.  Freeze your finished piece until it is frozen solid.

6.  Prepare your cake as desired, crumb coat, and ice.

7. Remove your frozen buttercream from the freezer, peel it off the parchment and place on the top of your cake!

8.  The icing will thaw and be ready to cut in no time!

The next time I try this technique, I will pay closer attention to the thickness of the icings.  For the backgrounds I will want to thin the icing out somewhat so it will blend in and I won't have the lines visible.  Perhaps I will also try an easier image!  This was another fun one!

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