
Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Field Trip and A Quick Dinner: Pasta Carbonara

Pasta Carbonara
 My sister and I should probably not be let out of the house together without proper supervision, especially when spending money is involved.  We went on a field trip to Costco today!!!!  It is way too easy to grab the things you want rather than the things you need at this place!  We wandered around, put things in the cart, thought about it, removed things from the cart...the same thing we do everytime we go.  I really don't have the room to store large boxes of items or too many extra things but my sister had a great idea and I don't know why we didn't think of it sooner!  We decided to split the cost of the items both families use on a regular basis. For instance I most likely won't go through 5 dozen eggs in a timely fashion but we split the cost and each got 30 eggs for a good price.  Ok, I will probably use up those eggs but I don't have the storage space. I don't do all of my shopping at Costco as they don't carry everything we need but it is a great place to stock up on items and for baking staples.  (Also to buy way too many things you don't need!)

Of course when it comes to field trips with my sister, we always get sidetracked and never get anywhere on time.  When if finally came time to make dinner, I was looking for something quick to make.  I thought of doing one of my favourites, breakfast for dinner, but then low and behold, on the pacakage of bacon (why not use bacon, I did afterall buy 4 packages of it today!), there was a recipe for a carbonara!  SWEET!

Bacon and eggs,Italian Style
(Pasta Carbonara a la Kirkland Signature bacon package)

1 lb bacon
1 lb pasta - tonight I used Soba noodles
3 eggs
1 cup grated parmesean
1/3 cup chopped parsely
1 tsp italian seasonings
pepper, salt to taste.

This is easy and quick!

First, chop and fry bacon until crisp.  While this is getting its crisp on, put a large pot of water on to boil.

Place the bacon aside on paper towels to drain.

Chop some fresh parsely (thankful to have my plant in the front window!) and measure out 1 cup of grated parmesean.

Crack 3 large eggs into bowl and beat away.

Mix the parmesean cheese into the eggs.

As soon as the pasta is cooked, drain and transfer to the bowl with the eggs and parmesean.

Now mix, mix, mix....or toss, toss, toss with your tongs to mix the eggs into the to cook the eggs.  (The hot pasta will cook the eggs enough to make a nice rich sauce!)

Add your parsely and the Italian seasoning and keep tossing.  Also add the bacon at this point, and mix. (Save some bacon for a garnish)

The boys enjoyed the pasta carbonara.  My son thought it was bland but liked the texture of the sauce. A google search netted basically the same recipe but I wonder if some garlic would have helped?
It was tasty.  So tasty.

1 comment:

  1. I recently made carbonara for the very first time. It is now a new favorite. Yours looks delicious


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