
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ginger Spiced Crackle Cookies Make my Heart Happy!

I love these cookies!!!
Something about the smell of ginger cookies in the oven not only warms the heart but it brings about the inkling that Christmas is upon us!  One of the favourite cookies around here at christmas time are ginger cookies.  We have been baking, giving, and tasting for ourselves these sparkly little gems for years now. This makes a nice soft ginger spiced cookie, perfect for dipping into tea or coffee.  The original recipe is from "The Great Big Cookie Book".  It has, of course been doubled and still makes an amazing gem of gingery goodness! For a more crisp cookie, flatten the dough balls out with the palm of your hand or the bottom of a glass and bake a few minutes longer.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F
Ginger cookies
Printable recipe
Flour and spice and everything nice
  • 5 cups flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 3 tsp ground ginger
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp ground cloves
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup molasses
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 more cup sugar to roll cookies in
In a bowl, sift or stir together with a fork:  the 5 cups of flour, the spices, and the 2 tsp of baking soda.  Set aside.
Butter and sugar: the start of yummy!

In another bowl, cream together the butter and the sugar until light and fluffy.
Sweet as molasses

Beat in the 2 eggs, one at a time until combined.

Now add the ½ cup molasses and the 2 tsp of lemon juice.  Beat this together well. 
Getting yummier by the second!

Stir in the flour mixture.  This will make soft dough.

Shape the balls into ¾ inch balls (a tbsp scoop works well for portioning and getting nice even cookies). Many people would demand you hand roll these gingery balls of glorious cookie dough....why do all of that extra work when you can use a scoop and place the cookies flat side down on the cookie sheet?!
Scoop a doopa!
Roll the balls of dough in the extra cup of sugar to coat the ball all over.

Rolling in it....sugar that is!
Place 2 inches apart on lined cookie sheets.

Bake for about 12 minutes until cookies are just firm and crackled on top.

Remove from oven, cool on baking sheets for a few minutes then remove cookies to cooling racks.

Tonight I got  66 cookies with this recipe using a scoop just bigger than 1 tbsp.

Do I have to wait for them to cool?


  1. I don't know if you actually waited for those to cool, but I would not have been able to - they look great!

  2. Made! They're beautiful cookies! I do, however, think that the cloves are necessary... it was missing that kick that I enjoy oh so much! Brad and Jacob love them. And, we didn't burn our mouths! Thanks Lori. If you have any other great cookie recipes, let me know... ie: sugar cookies with lovely icing or short bread cookies...


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