
Monday, January 10, 2011

Dreamy Nathan Fillion's 7 Layer Bean Dip

The other night while I was watching the Canadian World Junior hockey team skate their way out of a gold medal, I was blogging, typing, and monitoring the Twitter machine. (I know, only a little bit nerdy, right? We were loosing horribly so what else was I to do?)  It just so happens that Dreamy Nathan Fillion (insert dreamy sigh may remember him from such shows as Two guys, a Girl, and a Pizza place, Firefly, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and of course, Castle) was also on the Twitter machine that evening.  In a series of tweets, Dreamy Mr. Fillion (insert dreamy sigh here) managed to give out the recipe to his famous 7 layer bean dip.  Famous because he mentions (nay, sings about) this dip in the commentary for Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

The entire house is pretty much hooked on all things Nathan Fillion....I am however still waiting for closure on the whole "Drive" series.  This summer we were out at the cabin on a rainy weekend and we started watching "Drive" and you know what?  This was a really good show.  It was just getting started and then it stopped....I think there was only 6 episodes and it was never properly finished?  Who won the race?????  I will never know....SIGH....I do forgive Dreamy Mr. Fillion (insert dreamy sigh here) could I not?

Well this afternoon we put together this yummy little concoction and it was delectable.  Dreamy Mr. Fillion (insert dreamy sigh here) knows his bean dip! (Hubby understands my love for Dreamy Mr. Fillion...insert dreamy sigh here).

Dreamy Nathan Fillion's 7 Layer Bean Dip a La Dr. Horrible's Sing a long Blog Commentary 

In a casserole dish, layer the following, in the order given:
  • 1 large can re fried beans (Dreamy Mr. Fillion says to use the fat free vegetarian kind)
  • 1 pkg sour cream mixed with 1 pkg taco seasoning
  • 3 or 4 tomatoes, chopped (however many will adequately cover the first 2 layers)
  • guacamole (use which ever brand or recipe you like)
  • 1 cute little can of diced green chiles
  • 1 cute little can of sliced black olives
  • 1 bag shredded Mexican cheese
You will also want a bag of good, strong corn chips or tortilla chips to go with it...nothing whimpy that will break on you!
Spread out the re fried beans evenly
Mix, mix, mix....
Spread the taco sour cream evenly over the beans
See, 2 layers down, 5 more to go!
Make sure to spread those tomatoes for even coverage!
Guacamole!!  I could have used more but I only had 2 avocados
I improvised a little and added some green onions...
The green chiles....and another improv. add in: roasted red peppers.
Black olives and cheese!!!  I only had cheddar so we used that.
Hey baby, check out those layers!!
Mmmmm....beany, layery goodness.....
This amazing bean dip will be made again, and again, and again.....especially when watching my favourite Dreamy Mr. Fillion flicks (insert dreamy sigh here).....


  1. Oh good, TheChad v.6.0 eating beans.

  2. Yum! Looks like an excellent dip.

    We were a little bitter about "Drive" disappearing....but that's ok...I have "Castle" to sustain me...ehehehe.

  3. Hi. I'm new to your blog. Nice to see all this food. I make a bean dip dish similar to this and oh my, it's good eats. Yours looks fantastic as well. Num num num.

  4. that sounds like one great dip! Sorry about the hockey game... But at least you had some distractions to help you.....that dip was certainly one of them

  5. Oh wow! I would love this with some tortilla chips. It looks soooooo much better than those store-brought dips and i am sure it tastes fabulous!


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