
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gadgets I Love - The Butter Bell

I decided I wanted to highlight some of my favourite kitchen gadgets and utensils.  Well, not all at once but every now and then I will write about something I really like in my Little Kitchen space.  Today's gadget of choice is the butter bell. When I first got this a couple of years ago, I had to wait until I was in the USA to find one!  I just couldn't find one anywhere North of the 49th parallel.  Luckily we made the drive to Minneappolis one February long weekend and I found one at the Outlet Mall! So many people go to the outlet malls for clothes...I go for the kitchen stores (and the Rockport store).

For those who may not know (I mean I only found out these things existed a couple of years ago),  a butter bell allows you to store butter at a nice spreadable room temperature without spoiling.  You fill the bottom crock with cool water so that it will seal out the air when you tip in the bell portion filled with room temperature butter.

Just remember to change the water every 4 or 5 days to help keep things fresh! (And keep the crumbs out of the butter as well)

I know margarine is better for you, blah, blah, blah...but we don't use too much butter in the first place, aside from baking and butter just plain tastes better.  All of you nutritionists out there just back off...we don`t use butter everyday so I don`t feel bad using it at all...a little pat is all you need!!
In case you were wanting to read some more info on the great butter vs margarine debate, here are a couple of links:

The bottom line is neither margarine or butter is really all that good for you.  Which ever one you choose, use it in moderation.

Until next time, keep warm and eat well!


  1. You have an award waiting for you:
    Mateja @Indulging Life

  2. That is fantastic! I love the butter bell! I need one.

    And keep fighting the good fight. Butter is better. All around. And I'll remain happily ignorant of any contradiction :)

  3. Lori - I am happy to inform you that you won my Groundhog Day drawing! You guessed correctly (that Phil would not see his shadow). Congrats!

    If you'd like to see your name in lights (so to speak) just drop by my Coffeehouse Mystery web site (click the live link below my name). I announced you as my winner on my site and linked to your site here, too.

    I also friended you on facebook. Send me a private message with your address and I'll send you your prize. Cheers and have a great day!

    ~ Cleo
    “Where coffee and crime are always brewing…”
    Cleo Coyle on Twitter

    ~ Cleo

  4. I have a butter bell and use it faithfully, always get lots of comments from friends. They work great, and yeah for sure you have to change the water. I change mine every other day.

  5. That is a pretty cool gadget - I've never noticed it before but I must look out for a butter bell one of these days!

  6. this looks lovely I haven't seen it before
    thank you for sharing

  7. What a cool gadget! I don't know anyone who uses it so never got to see one. But, if it is as easy as it looks, I may have to invest in one :)

  8. the butter bell is so cool. i have to get myself one. Thanks

  9. It seem that this new kitchen gadget is use useful to my mother cause she loves to cook for as, how could I buy one?


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