
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Evening with David Adjey (And a Bunch of Other People)

This  morning I was browsing the local newspaper online and discovered that Food Network's David Adjey was in town! Anytime I can get out to meet a celebrity chef that I enjoy watching I like to go.  This was a fundraiser for the Children's Make A Wish Foundation, which is a fabulous cause so the 35$ ticket was not a problem.  David spoke to the group about all things food.  From restaurant industry secrets, to local food, to the use of technology, he covered it all.  Such an energetic speaker and still so animated about food, David was so refreshing to see and listen to.

Some of the things I learned tonight (some I already thought but David just re affirmed for me):
  1. Local food is a gift and we should embrace it
  2. Despite #1, the 100 mile diet is a load of can 100 square miles nourish that many people?
  3. Cook for it because you love it.
  4. Share your cooking with your loved ones.
  5. Technology is our friend and we should all use it.
  6. Generation 'Y'....apparently they are smart and they know how to shamelessly promote themselves.
  7. Speak up for what you want....if you stand there being polite, you won't get a photo with him.
  8. Yelling sometimes helps
  9. It is possible that David has some sort of attention deficit....but it works.
  10. Never order the 'special' at a restaurant....ever.
  11. Fish in a cream sauces means don't order the fish....ever.

Of course the evening did include some food...local food of course and boy oh boy was it fabulous!!  It was a bit of a finger food extravaganza...Wings, chicken strips, pork tenderloin, pulled pork....mmmmm boy!
There were also some lovely locally made crackers and snacks, and chocolates available to munch on as well. Locally bottled water from Canadian Gold was offered, and even given away for free!
All in all it was a great evening... I will have to keep an eye out for events such as this!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. How lucky you were to join in on the fun! I totally agree with those tips! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a fun evening, Lori! Thank you for taking us there. (I just added your blog to our blogroll at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen!) Cheers! ~ Cleo


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