
Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Ever Shall I Do??

I had quite the dilemma in the Little Kitchen tonight.  You really wouldn't believe it, it was just that shocking!!! While icing some lovely cupcakes and baking cookies for Friday, I found myself with extra cookies AND extra icing!!! After about 2 seconds of hard thinking (I didn't want to hurt myself you know) I decided to put the two together.....Ricotta cookies and Swiss meringue butter cream, together at last!  I won't need to eat for the rest of the week....

Ricotta cookie recipe here

Swiss Meringue Butter cream recipe here

Delectable things I tell you!  Here's to a terrific weekend to everyone.....despite the whole 'spring ahead' thing.  I think I really do need that hour....

You know, the Boy has a 6am practice Sunday morning....up at 5 am.....with the whole 'spring ahead' thing happening....that is just mean, even if it is all for the love of baseball!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. while you guys go to Sunday morning baseball practice I'll take care of those cookie sandwiches - have to make sure no one touches them except me. They look mouthwatering. thanks for sharing

  2. Those cookie sandwiches look absolutely delicious. I will just stay home and eat all of them :)

  3. This is pop-in-your-mouth kind of cookie, and they look amazing. However, getting up at 5am on a Sunday just sounds grueling. More power to him! :)

  4. The cookies sound delicious. I want to do what they do in a cookie ad: split the cookie, lick the cream and dip the rest in milk :)

  5. Hello Lori. These cookie sandwiches are perfect with the coffee that I am drinking now. I wish I were your neighbor.
    Have a nice week.


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