
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cookies and a Sleepover!

Tonight my 5 year old nephew is sleeping over and we are having a blast making cookies!  What kind of cookies? Star Wars cookies!!! (My favourite kind!) Nephew is 5 years old and thinks the world of the Boy, who is 15....they are like 2 peas in a pod when they are together.  After playing with some Lego while watching the Mets game, it was time to make some cookies!

The Best cookie helpers...EVER!
 I pre made the dough so it would chill while the boys were playing.  This way the Little Kitchen was cleaned up a bit and we had some counter space to work. I used my go to recipe for sugar cookies, you know, the recipe used for the Sugared Snowflakes.

Best cookie cutters....EVER!!

I won't bore you with the recipe but the printable version can be found by clicking HERE
Baking with the boys is so much fun.  I will have to do it more often.

That Darth spatula is my favourite!
Hard at work to get those cookies cut!
The Boy is such a good big cousin!!
Sprinkle that flour!
Nephew LOVES to sprinkle flour!
Hey!  There's my favourite spatula again!
Now for the taste test!!
We decided it would be quite appropriate to watch Star Wars IV A New Hope while we ate our cookies.  After all the original movies are the ONLY ones worth watching!!
I think in the morning we will break out the pancake moulds!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!!


  1. How fun!! Looks like he had a blast! These cookies are super cute! :)

  2. The Force has got to be with anyone who has those cookie cutters! How fun!

  3. Awesome pics! It looks like everyone had a great time. :)


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