
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

Even though we got a layer of snow Sunday, which has now melted, Spring has finally arrived  North of the border and here's the proof:

Hello all my lovely friends! I have not forgotten about you!! We had a very successful run of our school production "Back to The 80s". The students involved had so much fun.  All of them from actors, to the wardrobe crew to the stage crew, make up....were students.  We pride ourselves on having as much student involvement as possible.  It does get stressful and tiring at times but the learning experiences and new friendships the students get from this endeavor is worth it. 

I think I have caught up on my sleep, and have been getting back into my regular routines.  I must have a cook/bake and fill the freezer day soon as I think we are out of everything!!  It has been ages since I bake bread so I did that on Sunday, it was relaxing.  I didn't blog about the bread but it was the honey seeded loaf.

I am planning out a meal for Cinco de Mayo so I hope to have some pictures up for that...not that I need a reason to eat Mexican inspired food but I will take every chance I get!

Oh and in the spirit of one of my faves, May the fourth be with you!!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. Glad things went well and that you caught up on your sleep. Sounds like a productive time you had. That's fantastic. May the fourth be with you, as well.

    Happy Eating :-)

  2. Tee hee, Ivy....I did have a productive time at the production! I do love sleep though!


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