
Sunday, June 5, 2011

BBQ Season is Finally Here!!

We kicked off the weekend with the most fabulous New York strip steaks ever!!! There is a new fabulous store in the neighbourhood.  I must confess, we bought NY strip steaks last weekend from here and there were also fabulous!! For those in Winnipeg, HMG Meats and Deli (642 Leila Avenue, 339-8406) is THE place to get steaks, pork, garlic sausage....well they will pretty much take care of all your meat needs...(he he).

 One thing I love about BBQ season is cooking everything on the grill.  Wrap it in foil if you must, toss it on the grill.  I did use 1 pot to boil the corn, but I did that outside on the side burner.  Corn is NOT in season at all here and I don't feel bad about boiling this stuff instead of grilling it. I didn't even eat it. I took one bite and...well...ew.

If you don't mind, I think I will just give some pictures of BBQ goodness. After a busy weekend of gardening and watching the Boy play baseball, baking some rye bread, banana bread, and so is time to relax.  Here's to a great week for everyone!!
make a pouch of foil, add a pat of butter, salt and pepper and toss it on the grill!!
Salt and pepper is all these perfectly aged steaks need!!
Potatoes on, mushrooms on, grill marks perfect!
The dissappointing corn looked so good!
Yeah, that's right, there is no green on my plate, wanna make something of it?   Didn't think so!

Oh, and some top notch root beer to top it all off!!
I hope to get back to blogging more regularly.  I think what is going on (besides baseball season) is that after a long, cold winter us prairie dwellars try to spend as much time as possinle outside when it warms up.  In the depths of winter, it is easy to cozy up in a blanket and blog away.  I have been baking and cooking and taking pictures.  I just need to find some time to write.

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!!


  1. Woohoo! I had my first real grilled steak during the staycation. Was nummy. Still got a belly ache, as I usually do when eating the red meats. But anyway, it tasted good and I can't wait to give the grill a go myself.

  2. I can't wait to try the mushroom packet. That looks fantastic. Bless you for saying that all a good steak needs is some salt and pepper. I totally agree.

  3. What time is dinner Lori? I love steak and with the addition of mushrooms even better!

  4. Those photos make a great "ode" to summer. And they are making our mouths water!!!

  5. I adore BBQ season. Everything tastes better grilled in my humble opinion. ;)


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