
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Drink Your Cocktails, Cupcake

Did you know it is very easy to add booze to your cupcakes?  It is as simple as brushing on some rum or tequila, or whatever on to cupcakes when they come out of the oven, again before icing, and heck, put some in the frosting as well!
Strawberry rhubarb daiquiri
Remember those amazing strawberry rhubarb cupcakes?? Well, I brushed a batch of these little beauties with rum, twice...then I added rum to the the strawberry meringue butter cream....Yum!! You heard me correctly....just add some liquor to a Swiss meringue butter cream after it is finished and you are set!!

Mango lime margarita
Then there was the wonderful mango lime cupcakes?  Those were brushed with tequila, twice then were topped with a tequila lime icing!!  Tequila lime icing is as easy as switching out the water or other liquid for lime juice and tequila.  A little lime zest never hurts either!!

I took these little gems over to a friend's house to help celebrate her birthday.  I must admit I enjoyed hearing the rave reviews!!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!!


  1. tequila here, tequila there, after 2-3 cupcakes like these ones driving is not a thing to do :)))

  2. YUMMMM! I loooove boozy desserts. :) The cupcakes look fantastic! Can you drive after a few?! ;-)
    I just made some cake and added in a bit of cognac... it was delish.

  3. Cup cakes look heavenly and mouthwatering.

  4. Gorgeous! Brushed with rum....those are some happy making cupcakes right there.

  5. Mmmmmmm, I'll take two please.... Love this idea!!!

  6. Boozy cupcakes?!??! YES please!

  7. I just made some cup cakes today. I should have read your post before that. What a fantastic idea to get high with cup cakes. Lol! KIV to my next cup cake venture.

  8. Hi There, This is looking absolutely delightful. Loved the new combo of ingredients and the recipe is so nicely made and presented. Saving this recipe of urs and wud love to give ur version a try on the coming weekend. Have a great day….Sonia !!!

  9. I missed this post ... but ... seeing it now, I love the icing on both, but love the second one so so much. Great shot.

    Eat well.

  10. Laurie, thanks for the visit and comments about the garden...
    As for the okra...

    Check with your local nursery - but - I've read that there are 3 different varieties that are cold tolerant. Clemson Spineless "says" that it will grow in 5B but I havent seen anything giving that any validity. You can try to nudge things along by
    1.) Pre soak the seeds for 48 hours before planting
    2.) Start the seeds inside so they will stand a better chance of getting a head start on the growing season.
    3.) Plant the okra on the southern facing side of the house so they can withstand the colder northern spring.
    4.) Find you someone down south to ship you a bushel every month or so.

  11. Boozy cupcakes... YES P.L.E.A.S.E!


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