
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who Rules The Grill?

I rule the grill! Today the Boy had a double header out in Sanford Manitoba.  It was a bit of a trek but for 2 games of baseball, we don't mind.  (FYI, they won the first game but lost the second game.) This morning before we left the house, I made sure to throw together a marinade for a flank steak I had just begging to be flavoured up.  The fine people behind Canadian Beef have thrown together a great contest for Canadian bloggers called 'Who Rules The Grill?'.  The contest caught my eye on Twitter and I knew I needed to think of something.  I chose a flank steak to toss on the the grill but first I had to marinate it for a while.  As I browsed through my fridge and freezer I found some chipotle peppers and limes...hmmmm think, think think.....

Chipotle Lime Grilled Flank Steak Salad

3 (or 4) chipotle peppers, chopped
1 tbsp (or so) chipotle sauce from the peppers
zest of 1 lime
juice of half a lime
1/4 cup olive oil
pinch of salt and pepper
1 flank steak, trimmed of excess fat and connective tissue
salad dressing of your choice
Chipotle and lime: the perfect combination!
In a zip top baggie, combine the peppers, sauce, lime zest, lime juice, olive oil, and salt & pepper.  Use your hands on the outside of the bag to mix it all up.
The no mess way to mix!!
 Add the steak and once again use your hands on the outside of the bag to ensure the steak gets completely covered in chipotle lime goodness.

Place the bag in the fridge to marinate for the day or overnight.

Heat up the grill and grill your fabulous flank steak for 5 - 6 minutes a side or until medium.  Remove to a plate, cover with foil and allow the steak to rest for 5 minutes.
Give your steak a 1/4 turn half way through cooking to get fabulous grill marks!
 Once rested, thinly slice the steak across the grain.

Slicing across the grain ensures a nice tender steak.
 Serve on top of your favourite salad greens with your favourite fixins' and dressing.

This really was such a perfect dinner tonight. Tasty protein, lots of veggies....oh so yummy! I think next time I will add some cheese of some sort....

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. Great job here-all these pictures are making me hungry. I know there is none left for you to share so looks like I need to fire up the grill. Yum!

  2. Hi Lori. Haven't chatted with you in awhile. We still haven't gotten a new grill yet. Went shopping for one, but didn't see one I liked enough to plunk down the money.

    Nice and sunny here today. Hope the rest of your day is yummy and fun.

    Cheers, Whisk.

  3. What a great shot of that grilled meat with the flame love it! YUM

  4. I drooled that looks so very good. My favorite part of summer is breaking out the grill. ;)

  5. There is nothing like flank steak in the summertime! Great dish!

  6. i ordered a grill from amazon this weekend. i can't wait till it gets here so i can start trying out all these grilled recipes!!!!

    that "no mess way to mix" is genius!

  7. For some reason I am intimidated in grilling flank steak but your tips here would come very handy the next time I attempt to grill again.
    Thanks for sharing the step by step and the pictures are very helpful too but how my mouth waters now wishing I could have a slice of it right now!

  8. Oh my does this look fantastic! yummyyyy.....


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