
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Simple Desserts Make the World go 'Round

I love desserts....there....I said it.   It is out there.... I love desserts!  Now of course I don't have desserts all too often.  I would if I could, but I can't....sigh....

One of my indulgences includes a subscription to Everyday Food Magazine.   I love the ideas, tips, and recipes in this magazine.  I found this recipe last summer in one of the editions and instantly knew I wanted to try it out. An instant hit I tell you.  I seem to only make this when we are at the cabin. Not sure why but that is just the way it happens.
Last summer's plum custard was a complete hit!!
This fruit custard type of dessert is so ridiculously easy...chop or slice up some soft fruit, whizz up the batter in the blender, bake....It is also so ridiculously yummy!!!

The original recipe is a Raspberry Custard but I have actually never used raspberries to make it. Raspberries never last long enough to cook with around here....we just eat them.  Yup....stand in the garden and eat them. It is a wonder they actually ever make it into the house!!
Ahh dessert at the cabin....relaxing no matter what!

Sorry, I was rambling there....Plums work so well, strawberries, any soft fruit or berry will work.

Fruit custard
Printable recipe
  • 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cups soft fruit or berry of  your choice (or a mixture!)
Pre heat oven to 400F

Melt butter in a pie plate (or cast iron skillet).

Place everything but the fruit and 1 tbsp of sugar  into the blender and give it a whir.

Oh....why yes....there IS duct tape holding the blender together.
A word about the cabin is a well loved plastic jar blender that used to be my sister's. It was once dropped....the poor thing cracked a little.
Thank goodness there is always duct tape around!  That duct tape has been holding this blender together for just keeps holding on!!
It still blends, even makes an amazing daiquiri!!

Swirl the melted butter around the pan and pour the rest of it into the blender and whir it all up again until the batter is smooth.

Spread the fruit out in the pan evenly.

A combo of strawberries, peach, plum, blueberries.....
Pour the batter on top.

Sprinkle with the remaining 1 tbsp sugar over the entire custard.

Pop it all into the oven and bake for 20 to 25 minutes.  The custard will puff up a bit and be set in the middle.  Feel free to throw the broiler on for a couple of minutes to brown up the top....just watch it carefully!!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. Oh wow, that looks incredibly delicious. I love every one of the fruits that I can see peeking up through the custard. Fantastic recipe. And I love that battered blender that continues to work, even with duct tape. Priceless.

  2. What a great dessert, this looks delicious! :)

  3. DELISH!!! I love desserts that can be thrown together in seonds. :)

    My raspberries never make it inside my house, either. We pick 'em and eat 'em! :)

  4. this looks wonderful, I am a dessert lover too

  5. I'll take simple ANY day... especially when there's summer fruit involved!

  6. Love fruit in the summer and that desserts looks refreshing. Excellent post, as always, you rock.

  7. Excellent quick dessert. Who could resist all that fresh fruit?

  8. if i had my own raspberry bush i'd eat them immediately after picking, don't think they'd make it inside the house.
    love this fruity custard, so easy and so delicious!

  9. O, that sounds really really delicious. Yum!

  10. That looks delicious, and I love how easy it is to make. It's like cobbler, a favorite of mine: how much easier could a dessert be? :)

  11. This is one beautiful dessert. Great job. Glad I found your blog.

  12. Your blog is making me hungry, Lori! Lots of amazing pics to educate and entertain us. Love it! Keep up the great work.

    Doreen Pendgracs

  13. This looks delicious.

    You should see my blender. Although you have me beat with the duct tape!


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