
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cook For the Cure

Every week in our staff room, someone has the nasty job of tidying up, running the dishwasher, and bringing in some treats on Friday.  It is a neat idea to keep things neat but sometimes it seriously feels like some people use it as a license to leave dirty dishes in the sink and leave their crumbs everywhere.  While I was loading the dishwasher, I grabbed a glass from the counter.  It turned out is was actually 2 glasses nested together and the outside glass was broken. There was actually a shard of glass on the counter! Lucky for me I notice before a grabbed tightly and pulled the glasses apart!

For the past three years, I have used my clean up week/treat day to raise money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation through their Cook for the Cure party. All I have to do is register my party online, tell my co workers that on my Friday I will collect donations for the CBCF.  Donations are optional and everyone is invited to snack.  The CBCF always helps me out by sending items to raffle off, things to use as thank yous such as post it notes and name tag lanyards.

This year's treats included: Brownies with pink icing, pumpkin spice cupcakes with maple brown butter icing, strawberry mini cupcakes with strawberry meringue icing, chocolate cupcakes with chocolate meringue icing, pink strawberry Star Wars sugar cookies, banana bread Marvel heads, and some chips with onion dip and know, just to have some salt!

Between donations and raffle tickets, the lovely people I work with, donated $500!!! WOW! Thank you guys!  The prizes sent to my by CBCF were 2 cookbooks with a pink apron attached to each one, 2 pink Webkinz poodles, and 2 pink ribbon travel mugs.  Each raffle winner was very happy to win their prize!! I really should have taken pictures, but I left my camera at home the day I did the raffle. (Shucks!)

Anyone interested in donating, please go to this link and click on the 'sponsor me button'.

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. LOts of cookies. New gfc from Canadian hop. Please follow @ http://www.simplyshopandsave dot ca .

  2. Congrats on all the money you raised for such a great cause-you should be proud! Your dessert table does have some delicious goodies on it with a good variety-yum. Great post.

  3. Such a great cause. great job! Thanks for hopping with us

  4. Amazing that you raised that much. Very cool. The idea of taking turns cleaning the crap other people do, not so great.

  5. Great idea!

    Discovered you via the We Are Canadian Blog Hop!


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