
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Check in

Why is it Friday Sunday already?? Where is the time going? We just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving last weekend.  Usually we pull out all the stops, roast a turkey with all the fixings and eat ourselves into a coma.  With the Boy still recouperating from his gastritis and my family all being out of town, we decided to lay low.  Saturday we spent the day putting the garden to rest for the winter and raking up some of the many leaves that have fallen.  I was able to harvest a whopping 4 wheel barrows full of fabulous compost to put on my garden!!  Yay for compost!

We also had the Boy BBQ some fabulous steaks for dinner on Saturday.  I have been officially given the boot from BBQing steaks because he does such a wonderful job!

Sunday was the day many Canadians had their dinner with their families.  We popped into my Dad's place to help him with his computer issues and to get him packed for a trip.  When we came home, the Boy had cooked up a tray of bacon in preparation for some of the tastiest BLTs this side of the 49th parallel!  Fresh tomatoes from our now sleeping garden where soooooo tasty!

After that, we headed off to the cheapie theatre to see "Captain America".  Quite the great movie, if I do say so myself!!

Sunday, we jumped in the car and headed over to Hubby's Grandmother's place.  We spent the afternoon with Hubby's 92 year old Grandma and his Mom.  We were going to go to a restaurant but Grandma wasn't up to so we ordered in.  Turkey dinners from the local Smitty's restaurant.  We watched the Detroit/Texas game of the MLB playoffs.  Grandma loves baseball so we always watch a game with her if it is on while we are there. (This totally reminds me, I still have a post to make about celebrating Grandma's 92nd birthday this summer! D'oh!)

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday to your grandma
    lovely produce from the garden I took the tomatoes in while they were green too


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