
Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Very Busy Fall

Oh my do I miss you guys! Where has the time gone?   Fall has snuck up on us with the changing colour of the leaves, the cooler weather and getting back to school.  Between work, baseball, work, a couple of visits to the ER, baseball, Hubby being out of town, and this head cold, I have been busy!  I actually have lots of pictures, recipes, and ideas to share but I've had no time to write.
Lots of great baseball weather still!!
 We've found some time to go to a couple of fall feasts featuring fabulous local produce, meats, and grains...all the food was absolutely fabulous!

The first dinner Hubby and I went to was out at the St. Norbert Market where we got to wander around to different booths at the Farmers' Feast. We got to talk not only with local chefs but local farmers and producers as well. We definitely left stuffed and ready for a nap!!

Pulled pork sliders and other yumminess
Manitoba beef sliders, and beer
soooooo goood.....
the yumminess continues
Everything is better with bacon!
The second supper the Boy and I went to was the feast out at the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach for their Supper from the Fields.  We went with Trina and quite the fun drive out there and met Susie and her boys there. We had such a fun time and the food was fabulous!!

The Boy spinning the wheel for the food Manitoba game

Farmers' market
Salads....soooo yummy! Orzo, beets, panzanella
Apple crisp with sunflower brittle
Susie's girl not happy about sitting with the Boy!
The Boy and our bag of free loot!
Fun on the tractor!
Putting his moves on the statue....
Once again, my apologies for the absenteeism, I am working on getting back into the swing of things.  As things return to normal around the Little Kitchen, I will continue to post some of the many pictures and recipes I have waiting (some are still from the summer)
The famous Windmill at the Village.

Until next time, stay warm and eat well.

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