
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Summer Lovin', : Little Cabin in The Woods - Canoe Capers and a S'mores Pudding Cup

I am ashamed to admit that I have had this post almost completely written for a while...a long fact, an embarrassingly long while. With the thoughts of Christmas and the ever impending snowfall, I find myself dreaming back to the lazy days of summer at the Little Cabin. Without further ado, or to much prattling on, I give you, Little Cabin in The Woods:

There has been some excitement out in the woods this year!! After some shopping around and a huge sale at Canadian Tire, The Little Cabin finally got a new canoe!  Our old canoe inadvertently got destroyed by some workers who needed space.  The circa 1970s fibreglass canoe was still embedded in the ice and snow but the workers needed it moved so they pried it out thus ripping off the hand crafted wood gunwales and tearing out the yoke and one of the seats.  It really is a sad sight, this lovely old canoe in such a state.
The new canoe next to the old canoe
We however were craving some time on the water....we went in with my sister and my dad to get this beauty.  It was carefully strapped to the roof of my little Calibre....we were on our way to the Woods when a gust of wind came up and promptly removed the canoe from the roof....yes, there was plenty of cussing.  A call to my dad to bring us some fresh rope and his canoe knowledge.....and we were back on the road.  This new canoe amazingly bounced off the highway and is completely fine, except for a few scratches! (The canoe was hereby named "SS Fell Off The Effing Roof")

Once we got the baby into the water, everything just seemed right.  Calm, relaxing, and just plain fun.  Nothing beats an early morning paddle on a calm lake.

The Boy and I out on the lake
I even offere a paddle up coffe service for morning paddlers!!
Nephew loved the canoe too!
And away they go!!
Of course we paddled at sunrise, at mid-day, and at sunset but I am not brave enough to take my camera out on the lake so unfortunately I do not have pictures of the fabulous sun set the Boy and I paddled out to watch...completely gorgeous.  My summer just isn't complete without at least one sunset!! While the Little Cabin is lake front, we don't get a clear view of the sunset so we do have to either get out on the water or down the road to the beach to see the sunset.

We did get down to the the beach to watch a sunset. See....

That is enough chatter about canoes....what did we eat? Well, on this particular weekend, I made some brownies, and some vanilla pudding....I found some graham crackers and marshmallow....

S'mores Pudding cups
  • Pudding of your choice. (I used vanilla)
  • graham crackers, some broken up
  • brownie of your choice, broken up
  • marshmallows
This is so easy:
alternate layers of graham pieces with pudding and brownie chunks.  Top with a marshmallow and a whole cracker.

Dig in!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well.

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