
Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Simple Dinner is a Tasty Dinner

Tonight's quick dinner was a lovely salad using our CSA greens, radishes, turnips, micro greens, green onions and some other items from the fridge such as grape tomatoes and peas topped with a runny yolk egg and 2 slices of locally sourced bacon.  Simple, tasty, and it just hit the spot!

Hubby added some pickled asparagus to his salad!
And now we're off to a good old Manitoba social! (A big party with food, drinks, dancing, and a silent auction.)

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. Salad looks great. Went to Wegman's today and used coupons on restocking my organic spices.

    Hope all is well on your end.

    Happy Cooking :-)

  2. colourful dinner :) deliciously done

  3. Looks like a great summer supper to me!

  4. I love a good runny egg on a salad... its the best salad "dressing" there is!


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