
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sharing The Farm

Today we were lucky enough to get our first farm share goodies of the season. I must say that with the delayed spring (read loooooooong winter) this was an exciting thing.  My own garden has been coming along slowly so it is always a great to get the fresh goodies, even if it is mostly greens and herbs.  I kept pushing back feelings of guilt over my lack of gardening but after a stint with pharyngitis, a sinus infection, an especially long allergy season, and the aforementioned long winter I really could get things done.

I am slowly getting things together in the yard here at the Little Kitchen and trying to stick to my gardening plan.  For now the fresh goodies from Almost Urban are just the treat we need to keep us going.

What did we get? Beets, lettuces, green onions, herbs, a basil plant, a bar of goat's milk far, so good!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well.



  1. So cool! Next year... I definitely have to sign up for one of these next year.

  2. I've not been having much luck on the CSA front. Our options up here are limited, and what the 3 farms participating are growing - I'm already doing, and The One I truly want that is into Berkshire piggies... they don't seem to want me.
    ... it's a waiting list a mile long.


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