
Friday, October 16, 2015

This Shit Is Fixed!

Fixed and recovery is in progress!  Sorry I haven't update you lovelies sooner. I have been sleeping. Lots. Like, so much. Everyday I say "I really need to do a blog post" but then my peeps get here to look after me, make sure that I eat, take my pills, rest up, and don't do anything stupid, which is difficult considering I am on some pretty good narcotics! I even have a sample of my texting prowess while under the influence...

Yup! Hubby saved this one and posted it on Facebook! Soooo funny. 

Surgery went well. Really well.  Both feet now face forward! Woot woot!  I seriously thought people were lying to me when they said I would wake up from surgery and there would be no hip pain.  Well, they were right. The only pain that gets in the way of anything is surgical pain and even that's been kept to a minimum with proper medications and rest. Doctors are well aware that excessive pain will hinder recovery so they try to avoid as much pain as possible. I like these guys!

I really want to write a longer post that bores you with the whole story of surgery day and my hospital stay, but I really wanted to give you a quick up date. Let's see where Where this takes us.

I am currently hobbling about with crutches. Sometimes I move live a fish out of water, but I'm moving. My left foot faces forward because my left femur is actually sitting in an acetabulum of its own. No more of this free floating femoral head shit.  That shit is fixed! 

All in all, my hospital stay was fantastic (except for the food, but that's another post and rant altogether). The doctors, nurses, and health care aides were all fantastic. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. The care they provided me exceed all expectations. I even tried to convince one of the aides to come home with me. I even had my own room. Talk about luck! I slept so well. Once the door to my room was closed for the night, I was down for the count. I couldn't have asked for a better set up. They even said to me on the Monday, 'you could go home today, if you wanted, but we don't need the room tonight so you can stay until tomorrow if you'd like.'  I have never heard of that before. I actually chose to stay! My. Own. Room!  I went home the next morning around 9am when Hubby picked my up.

Hubby and the Boy have been out if this world looking after me! Reminding me to watch my precautions, drugging me, tucking me in, monitoring swellings, driving me around town....

My sisters have been awesome too! So have my nephews and dad. Little nephew will snuggle in bed with me and watch his nursery rhymes. He also loves to bring me my water bottle. 

My fabulous friends also pitch in. They come to 'Lori sit' when both my boys are at work, bring me lunch, and come to visit.  

There is so much awesome going on, I could explode. But I won't. 

Monday my staples come out. Thank goodness because the incision is starting to itch. 

I think there's 33 staples....we will count on Monday!

I know I still have a long road ahead of me, but so far, I have been truly blessed.  

Now that I have bored you with happiness and sleep, I need a nap....or some more binge watching the Mindy Projecf on Netflix....

Also. I will work on my boring hospital story! 

Thanks for being there everyone! Love you all.

Quick flashback to the days of the dreaded cast!

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