
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What's Next?

Lately I've been working on doing more during the day. I get out of bed early (well, earlier than 10am... Ok, I aim for before 9....don't judge me). I get my walk in, stretch, eat, shower, clean up, invent errands to get me out of the house and try to keep going.  I aim to walk at the gym on the tread mill 3 times a week to vary up my routine and work different muscles.  Why they heck would I try to keep myself busy like that? 

Apparently they want me to go back to work! What? Yes. It is true. I am aiming to get back to work mid February. I know that will be tiring so I'm working up my stamina. Still working on balance, strength, endurance and that but hey, I had a freaking hip replacement. 
 I am very fortunate to have a mediator or case worker through work who is working on a return to work plan with me and work. He is awesome. Final decisions won't be made for a couple of weeks about specific details but the guy is helping to take all the worry out of my return to work. He can arrange half time, ensure my duties are acceptable and appropriate for me in regards to my current abilities and limitations.  

I am most definitely nervous about returning to work. I've been away since The beginning of September. I hope it isn't too exhausting. I hope I can keep up. In the mean time, I'm off to Calgary to visit my sister and little nephew for a week! Let's hope the 2 year old doesn't tire me out!!

I will bring my cane just so he has something to play with!

Until next time, stay warm and keep moving!

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