
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Big Changes

I am sad to announce this is my last week of freedom.... Oh wait, that may not have come out right. Next week. I return to work!  What??? That's right, apparently I'm expected to return to work.... I'm sure I will survive. 

Recovery is moving along nicely. I'm able to walk 4 km, stairs are getting easier, and I am generally feeling awesome. (Except the being tired thing...I'm still sleeping lots. I'm not napping as much but last night Fitbit tells me I slept 9 hours and 41 minutes....

Yesterday' walk happened at the gym because the wind was still high after the blizzard ended. Oh, there was also extra snow sooooo.....treadmill it was!


Yup! That says I walked for just over 50 minutes.... 2.5 miles (x 1.6km/m) and you get 4 km. Woot woot!! 

I'm back at the gym this afternoon to see my Athletic Therapist. I was told last week things would be changed up this week. New things to do and work on! Yay!  Not going to lie to you here, increasing cardio is both exciting and scary.!  

My muscles on the new hip side still gets angry and tight. I've been reminded that the reorganizing of those muscle groups wouldn't be easy but come on now!  Still not at bad as pres surgery pain but it is frustrating. The front inside of my quad and the groin are the areas protesting the most. There's a couple of specific spots that ache and get all tight and knotty on a regular basis. I get some pretty purple bruises from the deep tissue massage....sooooo purty.... Well, not so purple today but still there. 
You may wonder why I keep going back....the reality is this. I move better after.  I do bruise easily to begin with (I'm a ginger) and the difference in how I feel after is quite incredible. I absolutely swear that my athletic therapist. All the time. Potty mouth central. The end game is so I can move better than ever and for that, I'm willing to go through the deep tissue massage.

All in all I'm feeling awesome. I think I said that already...oops. I'm going to have to work my walks and exercise in around work starting next week so I'm trying to get more organized around the house.  Lucky for me it looks like I will be starting back half time then working up to full time. I still have a month or so of saved sick time to use should I need it so I'm not too worried about returning.  

This is going to be good.  Get me moving even more! 

Until next time, stay warm and keep moving!

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