
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday Night Stir Fry, If You Know What I mean....

 I don't know what that means but it sounded funny....

Hubby and I once again braved Saturday afternoon grocery shopping...what a zoo!! We did try to stick to our list and kept to the edges of the store, only venturing into the middle aisles to grab a couple of baking items!  I could see Hubby was coming up with an idea for dinner by what he was putting in the cart...bok choy, mushrooms, tofu, ginger root, steamed noodles... it turned out to be stir fry night in the Little Kitchen!  Stir Fry is one of those things that we really don't follow a recipe for.  If you like it, toss it in, if you don't like it, keep it out! Tonight Hubby and worked together in the kitchen to chop, stir, and fry our way to dinner!

While Hubby chopped up some of the following veggies:

  • 1 onion
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 red pepper
  • 5 stalks (leaves) of bok choy, leaves and bottom parts
  • 3 green onions
  • a handful of mushrooms
  • a handful of broccoli florets
  • a few cloves of garlic, sliced
  • a chunk of ginger, peeled and grated

 I patted the tofu dry with some paper towels and then diced up the tofu into bite size pieces!

Heat up a fry pan and add some canola oil.  To the oil I added:
  • a few cloves of garlic, smashed
  • a few coins of ginger, peeled
  • a healthy pinch hot red pepper flakes
  • a couple strips of lime peel
Once the oil was hot and fragrant, we fried the tofu pieces until crisp, transferring the done pieces to a bowl lined with paper towel.  Reserve the oil for your stir fry!

So we had a little help in the veggie department...tastes as good as ever!
When all of the tofu was cooked, it was time to heat up the pan for the stir fry!!

First I fried up the garlic, ginger, and onions.

Then added the mushrooms for a few minutes.  Next up, the rest of the veggies!

Put a large pot of water on to boil so you can cook your noodles.

Cook noodles according to package directions.

Transfer those noodles to the stir fry.

Add some fresh chopped cilantro and a squeeze of lime juice!

Hooray for team work!!

Ready to eat!!!  Hooray!!  Now where are my light sabre chop sticks?


  1. That's so great that you and your man do your shopping together:)Gosh I have really been craving stir fry lately. This looks so yummy and very healthful:)

  2. This plate looks so inviting! I never had tofu before, but I'm kind of wanting to try it now. Thank you for sharing :)

  3. That looks delicious. I love the noodles with a stir fry. I get into a rut with rice. I am going to have to remember to bring out the pasta next time I make it.

  4. This stir fry noodles looks delicious. In our culture, we eat a lot of stir fry dishes especially noodles. the perfect Saturday night dinner:D


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