
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday Mornings: Buttermilk Biscuit Sammies!!

Best Biscuits Ever!!
 YES!  I  LOVE breakfast!!! Saturday mornings seem to be the day for laid back brekkies in the Little Kitchen....this could have something to do with the Boy's 6:00am Sunday morning practices, but who knows.  During the week, especially in winter, I stick with my oatmeal and fruit but on the weekends, I like to treat us to some yummy breakkie treats, such as last week's breakfast muffins!!  I have been wanting to try the buttermilk biscuits Gareth posted on Stumptown Savoury.   These turned out so incredibly fantastic!  Now I thought about mixing in some grated cheddar and chopped up ham but I really wanted to give these biscuits a go plain, just to try them out....WOW!  You really should make these.  I am not going to even try to post his recipe here but I will send you to his blog so you can get the recipe direct from him! Click here for his post on buttermilk biscuits!

Sooo gooooood!!

As I rooted through the fridge, I found some more things I could possibly mix in but then I remembered how much the Boy loves to make sandwiches out of everything!  No, really, he does....last week he made a sandwich out of the breakfast muffins!! (I should have taken a picture). I found some left over frittata from dinner the other night as well as some tomatoes, ham, and cheddar!!  Winna, winna, breakfast sammie flava! 
Breakfast sammies it is!!

Since I had everything but the biscuits on hand, I made the biscuits and while they were in the oven, I sliced up:

  • 1 tomato
  • some cheddar cheese
  • some ham

I also took out of the fridge and cut into sammie size pieces the leftover frittata from the other night. This particular fritatta has in it.
  • potato slices, cooked
  • onion
  • yellow pepper
  • 1 jalapeno
  • 1 10 oz pkg frozen (but thawed and squeezed out) spinach
  • a handful or two of halved cherry tomatoes
  • cheddar cheese, cubed
  • 8 eggs
  • 1/2 cup evaporated milk (no water added, straight from the can) (I was out of milk and half and half)
Frittatas are simple. In a large, over proof skillet, saute the onion, peppers, potatoes and  spinach until hot.
In another bowl, beat the eggs and the evaporated milk.
Pour the eggs over the yumminess in the pan and give that pan a quick stir or a shimmy shake to evenly distribute the eggs.
Top with (they will sink in a little) the small cubes of cheese and the cherry tomatoes.
Place in a 350F oven until cooked through, about 20 minutes.

When the biscuits were ready, I split them, layered in the sammie ingredients, took some photos, and was so incredibly ready for breakfast, it wasn't even funny!

I heated the frittata in the microwave so it was hot for the sammies!


  1. Yum! Anything involving biscuits is always a good plan for me. ;)

  2. These biscuits look amazing. I like that you made them square for a change. I'm up to late and now I need a sandwich.

  3. Those look delish! I can't wait to try them! Great blog!!!


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