
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sandwiches are Beautiful

Tonight's dinner was and simple spaghetti with a spicy mushroom bolognase sauce....sooooo yummy.  I really wasn't planning on posting anything about it.  I didn't take any photos of the process but then the Boy came in from the kitchen with his plate of food.  You may remember me mentioning before about the Boy's love of all things sandwich...he loves sandwiches.

Tonight the Boy made a spaghetti bolognase sandwich!  Oh yes he actually looked really, really good all snug in between two thick cut slices of crusty French bread.

Yup, there it is....the spaghetti sandwich...This kid is so opening a sandwich shop one day....


  1. I'm glad you posted it. I always enjoy seeing shots like these. Happy Eating.

  2. I adore this idea. There is a spaghetti sandwich in my future.

  3. My favorite is a cold spaghetti sandwich. Nom nom nom. Love those.

  4. I love samwiches! :) The Boy knows exactly what he's doing!

  5. I couldn't help but stop by and see what this mouth watering of-a-dish this was. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw what you were up to. This is totally me when we have spaghetti. Why more people don't do it is beyond me. :)

  6. Wow does this ever looks fantastic! love the sandwich idea!

  7. Wow thisis one yummy sandwich, I wouldn't mind one right now!!!!!!!!! Your Boy has a flvorful inventive nom nom ideas :) Have a great day!

  8. I am really big foodies. I love to eat sandwich. The sounds really yummy and delicious about your recipe. I definitely try it now.

  9. Wow this sounds like a fun and genius idea! We definitely like this kind of sandwich :)

  10. i had one tonight myself!!!


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