
Monday, March 21, 2011

Three Cheese Jalapeno Biscutis and a Horror Story

Yesterday I made some oh so tasty baked sweet potato fries with a sriracha mayo dip....they were so yummy.  I took photos like you would not believe.  One of the things I have been working on is trying to get baked sweet potato fries nice and crispy on the outside. This was the batch that was going to work, I could feel it.  After writing a lovely post to go with the photos, I opened the little window that houses the memory card......a scream and some expletives escaped my mouth......there was no card in the camera.  The card was still sitting in the card reader of my laptop.  AHHHHHH!

My apologies, I will remake the fries and actually put the memory card in the camera.

The Little Kitchen is in cleaning out the fridge mode as we gear up for a trip South to St. Louis Mo.  Why St. Louis? The Boy and his team are heading there to play ball, that's why.  For baseball players to get a chance to play this early outside on real diamonds, we need to South; there is still so much snow on the ground here! We are so excited! So much to do, cleaning, packing, lists to make so I can pack.... we didn't go grocery shopping this weekend, save a few fresh items.

What do you make when you are trying to use what you have and not go grocery shopping?  Well, sometime you get inventive and sometimes ideas just happen. This weekend I picked up a rotisserie chicken from the store, knowing I had the veggies needed to make a chicken pot pie!!  I didn't however feel like making a pie crust so I went with biscuits instead...go figure, they probably take the same amount of time and work.  I guess I just felt like biscuits.

Hubby was washing some dishes while I was measuring out the dry ingredients for the biscuits and a discussion regarding what was left in the fridge make a long story short, we banded together to make 3 cheese jalapeno biscuits to go with the pieless chicken pot pie (which is essentially a stew).

Fabulous things can only happen when you add cheeses and jalapenos to is just magical!

The biscuit recipe I use on a regular basis now is from Stumptown is the perfect recipe.  I have altered it somewhat to make these biscuits, but you should check out his post for the original recipe here.

I must admit to attempting to double the recipe by memory but failed to double the baking power, soda, or the buttermilk....strangely enough, the biscuits still turned out wonderful!
3 cheese jalapeno biscuit with crustless chicken pot pie

3 cheese jalapeno biscuits
  • 2cups all purpose flour
  • 2 cup pastry flour (trust me, this makes it so much better)
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • handful grated cheddar
  • handful grated smoked gouda
  • handful grated parmesean
  • 2 jalapenos, diced small
  • 1 cup buttermilk (or 1 tsp lemon juice with enough milk to make 1 cup)
  • 1 cup butter, frozen then grated
In a large bowl, stir together the flours, salt, baking powder, and baking soda.

Now Gareth likes to freeze the butter then grate it...I agree. This works wonderfully.  However if you are strapped for time or don't have butter stocked in the freezer (which by the way works wonders if butter is on sale). You can cut the butter into cubes and use your fingers to rub the butter into the flour.  Just make sure to chill the dough for about 1/2 hour so chase away the warmth from your hands.

Once the butter is all small bits rubbed into flour, pile in the cheeses and the jalapenos and stir those in.

Add the buttermilk and stir.  It won't come together as a dough so don't worry about that here.

Dump the mixture out onto the counter and start folding and patting....just like this:

Keep on with the patting and folding until it comes together nicely.

You can either cut it into squares or use a biscuit cutter to cut out biscuits.

Bake in a hot, pre heated 400F oven for about 12 minutes, until lightly golden on top.

Don't burn your tongue, let them cool a bit!

I will do my best to send out a few messages and posts during our baseball filled trip. 

Until next time, stay warm and well!


  1. Mmm....sounds like something I would do with the camera. ;)

    The biscuits look irresistible...all that lovely good.

  2. I love when I make something and even though I've left something out, or doubled something, the food still works. It's funny how that is.

    I've left the memory card out before but my camera beeps at me, or more like screams at me to let me know.

    Have a great trip. And a yummy trip.

  3. LOL!! Oh you poor thing! I've done that, too... it sucks!
    But the biscuits look fantastic!!

    Enjoy your trip!

  4. We've been cleaning out too. The biscuits look yummy. Enjoy St. Louis. Try to eat at Pappy's Smokehouse - amazing bbq!!!

  5. This sounds so wonderful! I always leave my camera card in the pc...then take my camera out!

  6. Oh darlin can I tell you how many times I have done that with my card. It down right ticks me right off. Grrrr. I get upset just thinking about it. I trust you though that they were amazing. Either way, the biscuits look incredible.

  7. Sorry to hear that you forgot your memory card, that must be so frustrating! I love sweet potato and I think they taste much better than normal potato chips.
    But your photos look amazing anyway :)


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