
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Not So Chilly Chili Cheese Fries

Well my friends, this will most likely be my last post....for a couple of weeks anyway.  Today I spent most of my day at a local theatre to start rehearsals for our school's production of Back to the 80s!!! We will be practicing all week long for our show's run so I am pretty darn sure I won't be having much time (or energy) for blogging.

So sad I know.  I figured I should get a post in today before I get too tired.  Last night using my new spices from Penzey's Spices I brewed up a large pot o' spicy chili!  Yum!!  Why not bake up a batch of seasoned french fries so I can have some chili cheese fries!!!

For Chili Cheese Fries you will need:
  • 3 russet potatoes, scrubbed
  • seasoning salt (I used Hy's Seasoning salt)
  • olive oil
  • your favourite chili, already made...spicy is nice! (Or try this one)
  • shredded cheese of our choice (today I had sharp cheddar and mozzarella so I used that)
  • green onions, chopped
  • sour cream
Pre heat the oven to 400 F and scrub the potatoes and cut into fairly even fries.  Drizzle with a couple tbsp olive oil and stir to coat.  Shake on some seasoning salt.

Bake for 25 minutes, flip with your favourite flipper.

Vader loves chili cheese fries!!
Heat up your chili and shred your cheese!

Bake for another 20 minutes or until desired about of crispiness is achieved.  You can also use the broil element at the end to crisp up our fries.
Plate up you cheese chili fries....fries, chili, cheese, a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkling of green onions....that's it....yum!!

Let me tell you, these hit the spot after a long day of rehearsals!! Spicy, cheesy, baked potato goodnes all on one plate!!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. Have a great time, Lori. Sounds like a lot of fun. Are you acting? Directing? Helping with costumes, music and fun? Whatever you do, I hope you have lots of fun. See you when you get back.

  2. Thank you Ivy! I am the stage manager for a cast and crew of 135 middle school students!!! Ack!! Some people think it is a little crazy but I think it is fun!!

  3. Fantastic. I hope you get to post a little about your adventure. Sounds so fun. Best of luck, best of luck.

  4. Well that's just great! Have a lovely couple weeks off:) Now about those chili fries~ I think what I love most is you used real fresh cut potatoes. I'm kind of a cheater and usually throw in the ol' frozen kind. Either way these look delicious!

  5. We adore these out, now I have no reason not to make them1
    Yours look better than anything we ever had!

  6. Oh my word I haven't had chili cheese fries in forver and these look SOOOOO good. I wish I had some for breakfast! ;)

  7. good luck, nice post to send us off with.

  8. I wish you good sounds like a lot of fun!
    Your You chilly cheese fries look wonderful and very tasty!

  9. Those chili cheese fries look sooo yummy! I love how substantial the fries underneath it all are. Good luck with the play!

  10. Thank you everyone! Rehearsals are going well and we are gearing up for show time next week! Have a great week and I will be back soon!

  11. Hi! lomo very long time i come here,u make lovely dish those chili cheese fries mouthwatering.good luck. Now i follow u.

  12. Back to the 80's - I'd love to see that play!!

    Your fries are making my mouth water! I love chili fries!


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