
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Little Cabin in The Woods - Ribalicious

Before the summer started, Hubby and I were pondering what we would do for meals while at the lake. The budget is tighter during the summer as I am not working, and that means no $$.  Our lovely friends at HMG Meats and Deli (For those in Winnipeg, HMG Meats and Deli is at 642 Leila Avenue, 339-8406)
came out with some amazing deals on freezer packs of meat....and I mean amazing.  We bought one of these packs with the the cabin in mind.  The only thing we need to pick up at the store before heading out to the woods is our fruit and veggies! It really has been working out quite well.  One of our feasts at the lake was ribs.....done on the BBQ......drool.......

You may remember the BBQ disaster on Christmas....turns out it actually was too cold for the propane. I have heard that next time we should keep the tank covered.  Apparently propane can actually get too cold to would think I would have known that, being a prairie dweller....

I used the Alton Brown Dry rub which is essentially a ratio, the rub is basically 6:1:1:1. (All in tbsp)
The day before you plan to cook your ribs, prepare the rub.  In a bowl combine:

  • 6 tbsp light brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 1 tbsp kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp chilli powder (sometimes I use paprika instead)
  • 1 tbsp of any mixture of spices (this is where you can really alter the mixture to suit your taste):
    • for example: 
    • ½ tsp cayenne
    • ½ tsp old bay
    • ½ tsp garlic powder
    • ½ tsp onion powder
    • ½ tsp ground black pepper
    • ½ tsp dried thyme      
    • (as long as you combine 3 tsp of spices, you will get the last 1 in your ratio)

Prepare the rub by mixing everything together.

If the skin type film on the back of the ribs hasn't been removed, remove it by slipping a knife under the skin, do your darnedest to get a grip and pull it off.
There it is....gently and firmly pull that off!
Keep pulling...

Sprinkle on the rub and well, rub it all in.....

Wrap each rack (tee hee) in foil and let it rest in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

Open one end of the foil and add some liquid. You can use beer, juice, wine, broth or stock or even water.

Slow cook in the oven for a few hours (at 250F) or on a low, indirect heat on the BBQ.

Once cooked, slather on the BBQ sauce of  your choice and slap 'em on the grill to crisp up the ribs.....
Meat and carbs.......


Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. I've never actually made ribs myself, but you have me wanting to try! Hope the lake was wonderful and relaxing...

  2. Your step-by-step approach seems so comforting in guiding non-makers through the entire process! Thanks for sharing this:).

  3. Cooking out by the lake in the woods, that sounds like fun! My husband is the rib cooker around here and he is always experimenting. Your recipe and method here looks easy with delicious results. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Sounds like quinessential summer. Yummy ribs in a lakeside cabin. You've got us drooling!

  5. flavourful combination looks delicious

  6. So flavorful. What a great meal.

  7. This looks fantastic and your rub sounds delicious! Love your blog and so glad to be your newest follower! :)


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