
Monday, July 11, 2011

Nacho Lunch: Busy Summer Days

Even though the Boy and I are officially on holidays, it seems as though we have been busier than ever!  Between catching up on medical appointments and baseball playoffs it seems like we haven't been home much!  City playoffs are going on so we didn't get to the cabin  but that's okay we got to watch the team blow 2 games, 2 players and 1 coach get ejected, one big win and one oh so tense come from behind was a busy weekend.  Not to much to report food wise....well okay that's a complete lie I have oodles of pictures of tasty food ready but I just have to find the time to write the posts.

Today for lunch the boy and I used some left over grocery store rotisserie chicken to make some super duper chicken nachos! Yeah! That's right, we had nachos for lunch and it was delish!!

Line a baking sheet with parchment, pour on some multi grain chips, top with chopped peppers, onion, tomatoes, chicken, cheese, and anything else you feel like having (hot peppers, olives......)

Here's to making more time for writing!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. Mmmmmm, I love them Nachos!!! My mom and I just made chicken tortilla soup tonight. I'm kinda craving the Mexi meals right now.....

    P.S. Sounds like your busy like me right now. Glad you could make time to give me a craving:)

  2. Oh, that luch looks amazing! I could eat it right now! I haven't had nachos in ages!

  3. I love nacho and how it looks so gooey and melty :)

  4. I could eat this every day!!! looks so delicious.

    We just started following you!! Cannot wait for more recipes!


  5. Talk about excellent use of leftovers. ;) These look so's been too long since I've had nachos.

  6. That would be such an indulgence for lunch :) But looks so so so good .. so why not right ?

  7. Those nachos would make a busy day easier ;-) Yummy!

  8. I love eating the grocery store rotisserie chicken!! :)

    The nachos sound so good...I could eat the entire thing!


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