
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cake, Cake, and More Cake

Hi everyone! Is it really December 11 already? Oh my how time flies when you are busy. I think we are now officially past the busy birthday season in the Little Kitchen.  I have been making cakes this fall and it has kept me out of trouble...well almost out of trouble. :)

Since September, I have made 3 cakes for 3 special birthdays! My friend Allison's son had a birthday back in September. Her son is kind of like me and is a Star Wars nut soooooo he got this cake for his birthday:

I found some neat Yoda cakes online and did the best I could with what I knew I could do. I want to try this one again.

Then Nephew's birthday was last week.  He has been on a pirate bender so he asked for and got this:

For this pirate cake, I searched for pirate ship cakes online but ultimately did this one on the fly with my own drawings.

Today my friend John-Luke's son celebrated a birthday and being only 1 he loves Elmo so....

Full instructions on how to make the Elmo cake can be found here.

Well, I do hope to be able to make a post or two in the next little while but with this busy season, I make no guarantees.  In case a I miss the chance, I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season this year.

Until next time, stay warm and eat well!


  1. wow....soooooooooo cute...lovely cliks..
    u r amazingly talented..
    happy following you..:)
    check out mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  2. Oh my! You made those cakes?! WOW! That's outstanding!

  3. All of these brought a smile to my face, no doubt the recipients were delighted! Very good representation of your passion and talent-well done.

  4. Rah for cakes and other fun bakery items.

  5. Yoda cake...our favorite it is...yes
    Happy holidays
    Hugs and Kisses from A Couple in the Kitchen

  6. Hey, came by to say Merry Christmas and Boogie Boogie. Hope all is well. Happy Cooking.


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