
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Busy But Fun Birthdays

Times just keep getting more and more exciting in the Little Kitchen! It was birthday weekend! Hubby and the Boy both celebrated their birthdays Saturday!!  Everyone had Friday off work and school so we spent the day roaming the city.  Partly due to the fact that we had no running water and partly because our day seemed to quickly fill up with appointments and opportunities. First we stopped at the CTV studios at 7:30am (thanks to Susie for setting that up for me) for a spot on their morning show, next we stopped at the sports injury clinic for an appointment and checked up on my stupid ankle which, by the way, is still being stupid. Third, we stopped at the Travel Health offices and the Boy got 4 needles divided between both arms...he is all vaccinated and ready for his exciting trip to Kenya on spring break.  After that we stopped at the book store, because at least they had running water. Our last stop of the day was the movie theatre to see the new Muppets Movie.  It was an awesome movie! We also stopped for a bite to eat somewhere along the way!  It really did feel like we had been out all day....oh wait, we had been out all day....

You see, I don't kid around about being busy!!

Saturday, we ran a few errands then came home as the Boy was having friends over.  Then I got myself into the kitchen, cranked the tunes, and starting baking.

I find all too often that I bookmark things from other blogs with the intent of trying things out and half the time I never get to them.  This cake recipe is one I knew I would make for birthday day. I found it on Brown Eyed Baker's blog and couldn't resist!  Michelle's recipe is for a bundt cake but I don't seem to have a bundt cake pan so I turned this moist cake into cupcakes and Marvel heads.  Why not? Here is the link to Michelle's post with the recipe.  I used it as is with the exception of the cake pans. The cupcakes took about 17 minutes at 325F and the marvel heads took about 22 minutes.

This cake smells sooooooo good while it is baking. I didn't want to wait for the birthday party. I was tempted to sit in the corner and eat the whole batch by myself.  Instead I opted to drink the rest of the rootbeer....

 Make this cake a day ahead if you can...the rootbeer flavour gets better as it sits!!!! It is actually quite an easy cake to put together and well worth the rootbeer!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well.


  1. omg....fingerlicking goooooooooood....excellent presentation..
    happy following you.;)
    check out mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  2. Root beer cake does sound delicious. I never hardly drink any sodas but when I do root beer is my chosen one. Great choice for a birthday celebration-happy belated birthday to the two guys in your life! The marvel cakes are just too cool.

  3. What a fabulous idea!Hope you get a nice rest soon!!!

  4. I don't know how I missed this post, but I did. Happy Birthdays all around. Great cupcakes.

    Num num num.

  5. That looks just heaven on a plate, stunning cupcakes!

  6. The Marvel heads are just too cute. What a spread of cupcakes....they look fabulous!

  7. I know I already commented here but I must say it again. Num, num, num.

  8. Seriously you need to come bake me a birthday cake or cupcake. This is impressive.

  9. Please let me know where you got those Marvel heads!!! My email is


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