
Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Rum for Mom

Today I was spoiled rotten. We walked around the river walk at the Forks, bought some new yard furniture, and relaxed in the yard.  I even finished the book I was reading and can now move on to more blog reading.  I now have the evening to myself as the boys went to the Van Halen concert so now I am honouring my Mom's memory by sipping a rum based bevvie in the yard!  This one is another ginger syrup concoction!

Squeeze of lemon, squeeze of lime, cilantro leaves, 1/4 cup ginger syrup, 1 oz rum, top it off with cold club soda!

Happy mothers' day to all  moms out there!

Miss you tons Mom, love you even more.
Christmas with Mom and my sisters...I'm the little one in the middle!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well.


  1. A well deserved day, indeed. Hope you had a great celebration... out there in the back yard...with your rum :)

  2. This is a nice post. Sorry for your mom being gone. It is nice that you celebrate her.


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