
Sunday, May 27, 2012

What's Going On Around Here?

Baseball season is in full swing in more ways than one in the Little Kitchen.  Not only is the Boy playing ball, he is working at Shaw Park as a fan services rep for Winnipeg Goldeyes games! It really is the perfect job for him.  He gets paid to be at a baseball game, chat with people, and dance his heart out while pumping up the fans and cheering for our local team! (He also gets to throw out the free promo items to fans and help with tarp duty during the rain....he'd probably do all of that for free but we won't tell the organization that....) And yes, I will be attending games for the Boy's section so I can be a proper parent and harass is not only my job, but my duty!

 Have you ever felt so busy you put a whole bunch of things on the back burner while the front burner is on high? Have you ever found a whole bunch of pictures on your memory card and think "Hey, I still need to write a post about that?"....yeah, me too. I'm not sure if I really am that busy, or just think I am that busy, or just over thinking my blog so much that I'm not writing as much as I should be....sigh..... Have you ever then had your memory card act up and not work at all?  Yeah, me too! Life is good though. School is almost coming to an end for the summer.  Summer is so close, I can almost taste every last BBQ'd bit of it.

The other thing is full swing is BBQ season and we couldn't be happier! You may remember last summer's awful experience where some jerk stole by BBQ from my yard while we slept. Well, we lucked out with end of season sales and found ourselves a nice purty (and ginormous) BBQ.  You may also recall that I spent quite a bit of time out at the Little Cabin in the Woods BBQing up things such as bread and bannock as well as pizzas and all sorts of things at home.  This year I am hoping to keep the BBQ going.

As I mentioned earlier, my photos of the recent BBQ dinners vanished into oblivion with the malfunctioning memory card....oh well. Now I get to keep on cooking and taking photos!

Until next time, stay warm and eat well.


  1. Eeek-just the thought of a malfunctioning memory card is the end to a lot of things for me! I definitely do not want an ending. However, it at least gives you motivation if anything. Have fun this baseball season!

  2. I do remember your grill being stolen. Yikes.

    Here's to a whole new summer of grillin'fun.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  3. So we are going to a Goldeyes game for a field trip this summer. Can I request he be our fan services rep -- we'll have 55~ kids in tow ;).


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