Sunday, April 15, 2012

Back to Normal (Whatever That Is)

Things just might start returning to normal in the Little Kitchen! First of all, the Boy returned from a fabulous experience in Kenya! It is nice to have him home.
Waiting for his luggage...which can be a dodgy thing with Air Canada these days!
He kept busy while in Kenya!
Learned some new skills
And made some new friends!

I just spent 2 full weeks at the theatre stage managing the school's production of 'Footloose'. (Gotta cut loose....)  130 middle school students working on and offstage to get the show going and I wish I could say it was smooth sailing the entire time.  Some strange stomach bug hit the cast a crew over the past week....yep, you heard me right.  By closing night, I had buckets at every stage exit, extra garbage pails backstage, and spots for the sickies to sit backstage....I really wish I was kidding about this but if I hear one more "Mrs Morton, I feel like I'm going to...."   All in all, most of the kids were real troopers.  Our leads would unleash their fury into the pail, then make it out for their entrance...seriously. The kids did a great job of not letting the audience knowing what was going on backstage.

I have now had the weekend to recuperate, rest, and get back into the kitchen. I even baked Irish car bomb cupcakes and strawberry pistachio cheesecake for a friend's birthday! I have been wanting to break open the bag of Manitoba Harvest's Hemp hearts for sometime now and today I was itching to try something new.
Hemp Hearts are perfect for sprinkling on anything from yogurt, to salads, to baked goods and add some fantastic nutrients to your food. They add a pleasant nutty taste to the food you add it to.

Tonight I decided to use the hemp hearts on chicken breasts.

 I mixed about 3/4 cup hemp hearts with about 3 tbsp of myzithura cheese.(a Greek sheep's milk cheese).

After sprinkling the chicken breasts with salt and pepper, I spooned on the hemp hearts/cheese mixture and patted it down.
Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes.  That's it.  That's all.  Friggen' tasty!

Served with roasted asparagus and yam fries!
Until next time, eat well and stay warm


  1. I've seen them at the market... but never really thought about picking up a bag... I just might now, Thanks for the push


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